MEN'S GOLD NECKLACE 999.9 GOLD - 123019: 48cm / 4.31錢 (16.16 gr)


New product

NTD 5570 X 12 term

Normal Price:51400
Member Price:48900

The number of monthsNumber of periods
first term / Down paymentInstallmentTotal
2 months2699026990 x 1 month53980
3 months1842018420 x 2 months55260
4 months1414014140 x 3 months56560
5 Months1157011570 x 4 months57850
6 Months98609860 x 5 Months59160
7 Months86308630 x 6 Months60410
8 Months77107710 x 7 Months61680
9 Months70007000 x 8 Months63000
10 Months64306430 x 9 Months64300
11 Months59605960 x 10 Months65560
12 Months55705570 x 11 Months66840